Cash When it comes to economics, cash will be money but within the form of physical currency, like coins and banknotes. However, when it comes to finance and bookkeeping, cash will be the current assets that are made up of currency equivalents or currency that may be accessed right away or almost immediately, such as […]
Alvord Unified School District (AUSD) The AUSD or Alvord Unified School District happens to be a school district that is located in and headquartered within Riverside, California. The AUSD has a unique history that is full of events and facts that lead up to modern times. It would be during the 1880s when an earlier […]
The Riverside Fox Theater, happened to be built during 1929 and happens to be a Mission Revival styled building that is located in the middle of Riverside. This theater was actually renovated and restored to become the regional performing arts center. The renovation happened to be completed within 2009 and the grand reopening during 2010. […]
The schools located within Temecula, California are listed under the Temecula Valley unified school district. The city of Temecula is located within Riverside County, California. In 2017, Temecula had a population over 110,000. This is only a fraction of the total population of Riverside County, which totals 2,189,000. The unified school district also includes schools […]
The AVA in Temecula Valley is considered to be a viticultural area in the United States that is located within the southwestern part of Riverside County which is located in California. In the late 1960s, wine making within the Temecula Valley area happened to be revived and the plantings were made by Brookside Winery. In […]
Temecula Valley, California is known for several things, not just the recreational usage of Temecula Creek. Another popular activity in the area is the Temecula Valley International Film Festival, which of course has been held right in Temecula Valley since 1995. History In 1995, the very first film festival was conducted in September. The event […]
Every year on located at the recreation area near Lake Skinner in June during the first weekend, the Balloon & Wine Festival is put on. This area is located in southern California. This unique even features balloon glows during the evening, morning balloon launches, wine tastings from over 20 different wineries, wine and food pairing, […]
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