Riverside, California Landmarks
There are many landmarks worth mentioning that are located in Riverside, California. These landmarks range from state, federal, and locally designated landmarks. If you are interested in Riverside, CA there are many landmarks associated closely with the city, as well as landmarks just outside of the city limits too.
Memorials and Monuments
In 1976, the Riverside Tripod was sculpted by James Rosati, and was positioned in downtown Riverside on the newly built Riverside City Hall. Later, the statue had been relocated to fire station #5, and on September 11th, 2008 it was designated to the firefighters which responded on 9/11 in New York.
In Fairmount Park, a WWII Water Buffalo Tank resides as a memorial of the use of Santa Ana River and Lake Evans being used for testing the tank, which later became know as the Water Buffalo tank. The technical term was landing vehicle, tracked, armored (LVTA).
Natural Landmarks
Some of the natural landmarks found around Riverside include the following:
Arlington Mountains (1,835ft), which are a favorite to some locals and tourists. Another mountain area includes Box Springs (3,080ft). If you’re looking for an outdoor experience with less of a incline, there’s the Little Pachapa Hill (877ft), Quarry Hill (1178ft), or Mount Rubidoux (1399ft).
Additional Points of Interest
The Giant Lily Cup is located in front of what used to be “Lily-Tulip” manufacturing company, which later became the Sweetheart Cup Company. It’s the largest ‘paper cup’ in the world, and constructed of poured concrete. The total height is 68ft tall.
Made in 1908, the Main Street Pedestrian Mall clock had initially sat in front of Fisher Jewelry store on Riverside’s Main Street during the 1920s. It was later refurbished in 2010, then relocated to its current part of the Main Street Pedestrian Mall.
Bell Tower and Carillon at University of California, this point of interest is home of 48-bell carillon in a tower that is 161ft high. Each bell ranges in weight from 28lbs, to a massive 5,091lbs. There are weekly performances held between Noon and 1PM on Monday’s, and special performances are conducted through the year.
Other Noteworthy Landmarks:
There are many other landmarks that is located around Riverside, CA. Including: